MIPCOM and MIPJunior are collaborating with SoundCloud to develop an interactive audio map October 1-6. Using SoundCloud’s mobile record app, we want to hear your sounds of the tradeshow!
It could be mini-interviews with other delegates, your own product pitch, a snippet from an interesting discussion over dinner in the old town. Or maybe just some ambient sounds from the Palais or the waves rolling onto the beach. Whatever sounds you want to capture, it makes life so much more interesting!
All you have to do is title your sound “MIPCOM” when you upload it, and it’ll appear right here. We’ll also be using the soundmap for live audio coverage of key events, so keep your ears open!
Check out sounds to date on this map; and see below for more details on how to contribute yours.
[iframe http://widget.soundcloudlabs.com/widget?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks?q=MIPCOM&pagination=false&limit=200&offset=0&width=100%25&style=map&lat=43.55&lon=7.013&zoom=15&track=&height= 490 500]What’s SoundCloud?
SoundCloud is an audio platform that enables anyone to upload, record, promote and share their sounds across the internet. SoundCloud allows sound creators anywhere to instantly upload or even record audio via the site or mobile applications and share them publicly or privately. You can embed sounds across websites, social networks and blogs and receive feedback from the community.
How does it work?
Well firstly you’ll need to download the app and sign up. You can find the iPhone version on the App Store or on Android version on the Android Market. Once you have downloaded you should sign up either via entering your user name and email; or you can use the Facebook Connect login option. Then you are all ready to record!
Be sure to select the record option from the dashboard. And then follow these steps:
1. Press record!
2 . Record anything you want
3. Press stop and then save and then make sure include “MIPTV” as part of the
title of the track. And be sure to select the “Where” option and enter where you are. If you don’t enter these two bits of information, it will not show up on the map
4. Select “Upload and Share”. Feel free to connect your SoundCloud app to share with Twitter, Facebook or Myspace. You can even ‘check-in’ with your sound on Foursquare too and push the sound to your social networks!
And that’s it – you are now sharing sounds from MIPTV! If you are interested to know more about the recording process, check out this guide: https://soundcloud.com/101/audio-tweeting