Exclusive interview with Alex Mahon (Channel 4)


“The question is, have we got the content that engages with young audiences?” – Alex Mahon, CEO, Channel 4 (UK)

Alex Mahon is on the hunt to innovate and move genres on for Channel 4. Like any other broadcaster, she faces the challenge of losing young viewers to streaming platforms and works to create enough slots and time in the schedule to allow her take creative risks.

As the first female CEO of a big UK broadcaster, Mahon has been outspoken about the gender pay gap and is investing big in a women’s development and leadership programme. She has also set a target of 20% of staff to be from minority backgrounds.

In this exclusive interview, she talks Ali May about the fast-changing world of programme-making, content consumption and creativity.

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MIPTV and MIPCOM are the world’s most important global markets for the TV and digital media industry. They are the key events for buying and selling, financing and distributing programmes in all genres, on all platforms. Together, every 6 months, they form the annual landmark events of the entertainment calendar, attracting key industry executives, thought-leaders and creative talent from the entire content spectrum to negotiate deals, network and gain insight. MIPTV and MIPCOM respectively take place every Apriland October in Cannes, France.

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